In section 4, we learned all about angles. An angle is made up of 2 rays, originating from the same point, which is called the vertex. Also, we learned about naming an angle. The letter that represents the vertex always has to be in the middle.(This is on the slide directly on the left). When you want to find the measure of angles, you pretty much just do it like this: m'angle'ABC=m'angle'DEF. This is also on the slide on the top left, since it's probably not very clear here. Notice you have to put an 'm' in front of the names of the angles. There was also some information about congruent angles. Congruent angles are angles that have the same measure. In other words, if you put one on top of the other, then they will fit perfectly on top of each other. We also got a list of all the types of angles and their degrees. That is in the slide on the top right. I hope this helps, guys!
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